© 2025 AEQ
Radio Seybo is a general radio station in the Dominican Republic with a notable public service vocation and a clear mission to support the community where it broadcasts. Radio Seybo is supported by the Misioneros Dominicos association, which provides technical and human support in all aspects of its work. At present the station broadcasts on 1370AM as well as on 93.7FM and online from its website, from where it is possible to follow its varied musical, cultural, religious and international, national and local information programming.
With limited resources, Radio Seybo has always stood out for the scope of its activities, making the most of the available resources to offer the best possible programming. Recently, the technical management has decided to take a quantum leap in the management, programming and broadcasting of its contents by integrating the AEQ AudioPLUS automation system for radio within its programme editing and main work studio.
AEQ AudioPLUS brings AEQ technology in computer broadcasting systems to those radio stations that professional automation has not yet been able to reach. Based on the Mar4Suite systems installed in thousands of high and medium level studios, in networks of up to hundreds of stations, a product has been developed for most radio studios, in stand-alone stations or in chains with only a few stations per station.
AEQ AudioPLUS offers new features, adapted to the real needs, technical skills and purchasing power of most stations. It incorporates tools for manual, automatic and remote-controlled playout, automatic programming of music and advertising, as well as content generation and editing. Unlike other moderate-cost applications, this great tool for small and medium-sized stations has the power and quality of the best. Designed for Windows operating systems and SQL Server databases, it has a simple self-installation wizard, is compatible with low-cost audio cards and has complementary editing and management tools.
The entire project has been led by the technical manager of Radio Seybo Mr Miguel Angel Gullón from the Dominican Republic, Ms Belén Sánchez as executive director of Selvas Amazónicas – Misioneros Dominicanos from Madrid, and the technical staff of AEQ from its headquarters in Leganés and from the office in Mexico City.
For more information on Radio Seybo, please visit: www.radioseibo.org
© 2025 AEQ